Friday, July 15, 2016

Pokemon How to get free pokeballs quick!


Pokemon Go, go go catch em' all, yes guys and girls you heard right that is the latest craze and Nintendo suddenly has bumped up its value to 9 Billion dollars! I thought my eyes played tricks on me as I past fellow strangers on the streets with phones in their flicking wildly. One girl went on to flip all the way through, gliding a motion that was fit to wave a taxi down. Her boyfriend on her side, just waited their patiently as she captured her new Pokemon near Market City. Yes I admit. I have also downloaded this game, curious to what this new sudden craze was all about. 

To my disbelief, my visit to Cool Yule at Darling Harbour turned into a trek and pokemon capturing haven. There near the Darling Park area, was a Mr. Men and Little Miss exhibition. 

Fine, so that is cool - new interpretation of the classic, but was strange about that scene was that there sitting around the exhibition, oblivious to the artwork, were couples, solos and friends flipping their phones with sound effects or simply sitting there waiting for something happen. Yep, this was 8:00pm after I had dinner after a productive but long day at work. I thought. 

So curious to what the fuss was about, I switched on my Pokemon Go and figured there was a total of three main hubs situated in this area! So Pokemon Trainers... you need to be here - to get the likes of 'Slowpoke', 'Oddish', Eevee amongst others. So I took my turn capturing my pokemon and realised I ran out of pokeballs!

There was always a reasoning to this gamification to make you want to continue and play more... so you have the option to SHOP and buy more pokeballs, powerups for your pokemon characters and lure potions.

Never fear though please see the tips below I wish I knew earlier:

-Before you capture a pokemon in sight - especially those who appear a lot - the bat, goldfish remember you have a limited amount of 50 pokeballs to start with

When pokemon appear 'wild' pokemon, check the CP they possess before deciding to capture them with this in mind, of course if you just like the pokemon capture it for it to be part of your pokedex :)

- Pokemon nearby are indicated via 'growing' cherry blossom like leaf formations and also vibrating of your phone (turn a 360 in case they are hiding behind some pokestops).

- How to get free pokeballs? Okay so you ran out of pokeballs, all is well. Just get to a pokestop, and spin yes spin using a flick of your finger on the pokestop till it turns purple and tap to collect all the free pokeballs/potions that may appear (it is different at each stop).

- To go to Pokemon training and battles you need to be near there to access the place indicated by those 'towers'. Alot of these are actual train stations.

- Egg incubators - use your items to incubate pokemons that get activated once you reach a walking goal - 2km (3 use) or 5km (unlimited)

- You will need to go and choose a team to be part of once you reach Level 5 - Blue, Yellow or Red.

Hint: also be mindful you have limited space in your backpack to carry pokeballs so pick and choose based on CP and characters you want :).
Now where is that Pikachu... some little birdy said it is in Haymarket, Chinatown near Market City...

Pikachu alternatively can also be a 'starter' pokemon if you ignore Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbusaur when they appear in abundance when you first play, you should be able to see Pikachu after about five attempts, persevere, go catch'em all pokemon trainer!

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