Tuesday, September 6, 2011


G.E.M's concert rocked! ... Her vocals are amazing, her dancing and routine is next to flawless, her down to earth personality is sweet and believable. She gave out a confident vibe wih her dancing, her pink emphasised cheeks matched her well with the high black boots with several outfits. Her piano performances for a few songs was moving. The complimenting background with the graphics added appeal to the show- appeal that would suit an audience appreciating graphics that flowed well with the lyrics of the particular song playing at that time. Ie. G. E. M cheer leading words came on the board and later there was a sky for a more slower song.

My favourite songs of G.E.M : “睡公主”, "A.I.N.Y." (“愛你”), Mascara (“煙燻妝”) , "Twinkle II", "One Button","Good to be Bad", "Get Over You", The Voice Within" and “我的秘密 My Secret”.

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